A Unique Solidarity Model of Local Medical Intervention
The Foundation's accumulated experience, over more than twenty years, in the organization of medical caravans dedicated to rural areas and the efforts of public health institutions to meet the challenge of medical deserts have made it possible to define a new methodological approach. This took into account access issues linked to mobility, availability and continuity of care as well as delays and efficiency of care. The approach was based in particular on the exploitation of new technologies and the practice of telemedicine. Two factors which make it possible to adopt a large-scale scope of action and bring organizational innovation to medical practice.
The UMMC–FMVS program was thus designed in the form of a physical platform of fifty mobile units equipped with specific medical resources and means which are installed permanently (a period of one year) in a given location according to a network that covers several areas of the national territory. Their operation is ensured by a dedicated team assigned for the duration of activity (one year for the first test phase of the program). This provides patients with a medical service which combines consultations and care carried out in-person by a general practitioner, and tele-expertise carried out remotely by specialist doctors, operating from a central telemedicine platform.

Dedicated teams
- UMMC – FMVS : 50 General Practitioners – 200 Nurses – 100 Receptionists – 8 Health program facilitators
- Central telemedicine platform: 49 Specialist Doctors – 2 platform facilitators