Developing pilot experiments to enhance social impact
Since its creation, the Foundation has tackled certain social issues that were marginalized or insufficiently addressed due to lack of resources. These include the schooling of rural children, the economic integration of rural areas and disabilities. Driven by the need for solidarity and action, the Foundation has set these issues out as priorities for action. In addition to providing support, the Foundation also innovates in terms of modes of intervention.
In the field of social action, it has developed a new approach including residential facilities to encourage girls’ education (Dar Taliba), integrated development programs for rural areas, an integrated support platform for people with disabilities (CNMH), specialized training centers, new branches, etc. Throughout this process, the Foundation has adopted an approach based on experimentation and duplication.
The Foundation initiates pilot projects and ensures their operation (establishment of managing associations, reliability of funding sources, regulatory framework). It therefore encourages other stakeholders (patrons, ministerial departments, partners, etc.) to follow-up and duplicate these efforts at the national or regional level.
Other pilot projects:
- National Program to combat Addictive Behavior
- Day Centers for Alzheimer's patients
- The Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity - Community medical centers