General information
The website is property of the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity, a non-profit association recognized of public utility by Dahir n° 2_99-834 of June 05, 1999, domiciled at 3, Arrissani Street, Hassan. P.O. Box 4253, Rabat, Morocco.
Phone: 05 37 26 36 37 /38
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Unless otherwise stated, the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity owns copyright on all content appearing on the website, including texts, images, logos and documents downloadable from the website.
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The photos on this website are property of the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity. As such, they may not be used by any other person for private, public or promotional purposes.
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The Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity website is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in cases of force majeure, possible breakdowns or maintenance operations.
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Users may consult the site without having to reveal their identity or any other personal information. However, in case of registration to electronic services and to Associations Area, the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity shall collect mandatory personal data (name, address, contact details...) from each user. This information is required to process your request, particularly in Contact forms.
In accordance with Law No. 09-08 promulgated by Dahir 1-09-15 of 18 February 2009, relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, users have a right to access, obtain information, object to and correct personal data relating to themselves (Articles 7, 9, 30 and 53). To exercise these rights, users may send their request to the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity at the following e-mail address:
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